Nov 29, 2022

My Growth Engine has stalled! Where do I go from here?

“My company has great growth potential, but I am so stuck in the damn dailies, I can’t find time to work on my business,” sighed the 55-years old CEO of this mid-market manufacturing company. He started his company 15 years and successfully grew it – but over the past few years, growth had stalled. His efforts to re-boot his growth engine have failed as well. In short, he felt stuck. How can he un-stuck himself?

Nov 08, 2022

Do you sometimes feel that you are not good enough?

“So far I have been a great CEO, but I am not sure that I am the best person to take my company to the next level,” confided this CEO of a fast-growing company. It looked like his recipe for success didn’t work anymore. He felt stuck, overwhelmed, and doubted his ability to improve the situation.

Sounds familiar?

Oct 25, 2022

What is your question-to-statement ratio?

Questions are often more powerful than statements, because they teach people to think. However many CEOs make the same mistake: When someone asks for help or struggles, they simply give them the answer. What can you do about it?