What do you want to be when you grow up?
The larger your team, the more painful the lack of clarity on long-term goals – because it confuses your team. How can you shed light?
The larger your team, the more painful the lack of clarity on long-term goals – because it confuses your team. How can you shed light?
Covid boosted the pace of change of many companies. How can you keep this level of fast-paced ingenuity and innovation in your business, without the huge stress induced by Covid?
The information given to the CEO is more suspect than it is for anyone else, insulating you in a bubble. As a result warning signals are tamped down, blurring your ability to make sound decisions and to correct your mistakes. What can you do to burst this bubble?
A number of initiatives may look like time-wasting distractions, but they actually enable you to pick up speed much quicker, and help you cross the finish line faster – and to grow your business faster and with less pain. Which initiatives can accelerate your business growth?
Arguing for a point of view makes other people shut down and stop listening. Counterintuitively, listening is more persuasive than speaking. How do you do that during a heated conversation?
“Failures are like puzzles that reward you if you solve them, so you can better deal with similar problems in the future. Struggling to achieve our goals forces us to evolve: Pain + Reflection = Progress,” says Ray Dalio. Practically: how do you do that?
Many business owners overvalue their own business (after all, isn’t your business the most beautiful baby in the world?). What do you need to pay attention to in order to make sure that you get the valuation you want when the time is ripe?
Most execution plans never run as planned; hiccups happen all the time. Trying to avoid execution hiccups at all costs is pointless; the key is to identify and address them early on. How can you do this?
Just like in a bottle of good wine, the main bottleneck of a mid-sized company is at the top. CEOs’ automatic and habitual mind patterns that made them successful in their prior growth stage often impede their company’ next growth stage. What can you do about it?
We all have an inner voice that continuously judges us. Our inner critic pretends to be helpful and necessary to our success, but its long-term impact is unequivocally negative. Why do we keep listening to our inner critic? What can we do about it?