Who are the A-players you can rely on?

Questions are often more powerful than statements, because they teach people to think. However many CEOs make the same mistake: When someone asks for help or struggles, they simply give them the answer. What can you do about it?

Are you a genius or a genius maker?

“I have smart people but I underutilize their potential,” the CEO confessed. “I feel like I am the #1 bottleneck in my organization.”

My client was right: she was a genius with a thousand helpers, and she needed to become a genius maker in order to accelerate her business growth. Some leaders are great at amplifying the intelligence of others. What do they do differently?

Stop doing other people’s jobs!

Many CEOs and business leaders do other people’s jobs. Because they want to help, because they don’t trust their teams to do it exactly when/how they want it done, because it is faster, or for whatever other reason. This has a number of negative consequences. What can you do about it?

Five tips to increase your team’s accountability

“My company has lots of potential, but I just feel my employees are not engaged. If I don’t push, nothing seems to happen. I’m working night and day and we’re still missing 40% of our targets. I once dreamed of being a firefighter, I guess that dream has come true. All I do is put out fires, I have no time to focus on my business.”

Sound familiar?

Succession planning: how to create lasting value

There is no manual for becoming or taking over as a CEO. Not surprisingly 33% to 50% of newly hired and promoted CEOs fail within their first 18 months. At the same time a successful CEO succession is critical to create lasting value. How can you select the right person and organize a good transition to maximize the chances of success?

Core values, an anchor to your company culture

“The #1 thing I wish I had done differently? I wish that I had developed clear core values and that I had used them in my recruiting process, to filter out candidates that didn’t fit our culture,” said the CEO of this consumer good company that went through a roller coaster over the past decade. Ten years ago his company had a lot of traction, their products were flying off the shelves, and they were in a hiring spree. Several years later they hit a number of roadblocks that put them in a tough financial position – and the impact of their toxic employees became extremely painful.

Feedback is a gift… if you know how to UNpack it

“Dad, I find you very hard on me lately,” my 11-years old son told me recently. I taught him to speak up and, as a result, I’m regularly confronted with his feedback. Although I appreciate him speaking up, I felt my body boiling and my thoughts going wild. “What does he think. I’m really soft with him. If he finds this hard, what if….”

Yeah, feedback is not always nice to hear and does have an effect on you.

Feedback is a gift… if you know how to pack it

When I was a young manager, I was panicked by the idea of giving feedback – until I was given a clear 3-step methodology to have ego-less, collaborative, and actionable feedback conversations. Having a feedback conversation is about preparing yourself mentally in order to avoid being judgmental – towards yourself or towards the other person. Our previous post was about overcoming your fear of feedback. This articles lays out three steps to give constructive feedback in a way that contributes to your team members’ personal development.

Feedback is a gift… of fear or of serenity?

“Your behavior is unacceptable; please don’t ever do this again!” said the unhappy email from the head of this organization. He was referring to a communication I had sent a few days earlier – and inferred from my message that my goal was to subtly break one of the organization’s rules. I felt hurt. This short email darkened my mood for the rest of the day. What made this specific feedback hurtful, while my wife complaining a few days later about me gaining weight was not?